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A8 Union Motorway: Targu Mures - Iasi - Ungheni

Length: 307.88km. Status:

Color map: Open (0%); under construction (18%); planned (82%).

A8 Motorway, also known as Union Motorway, is a proposed motorway following the route Targu Mures - Ditrau - Poiana Largului - Targu Neamt - Pascani - Targu Frumos - Iasi - Ungheni.

For detailed information please choose a section from the list below:

I.Targu Mures - Miercurea Nirajuluiunder construction2026
II.Miercurea Nirajului - LeghinPartially tendered, remainder planned-
III.Leghin - Targu Neamtunder construction2026
IV. Targu Neamt - Iasi - Ungheniplanned-
V. Ungheni Bridgetender in progress-

I.Targu Mures - Miercurea Nirajului

Status: under construction

Length: 24.40km

Opening Date: 2026

Contractor: NUROL INSAAT VE TICARET A.S., price: RON 2.46 billion (excl. VAT), design duration: 6 months, construction duration: 24 months, contract signed in February 2024.

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II.Miercurea Nirajului - Leghin

Status: Tender in progress for sections 1b Miercurea Nirajului - Sarateni and 2c Pipirig - Vanatori Neamt (Leghin), the remainder planned

Length: 159.20km

Opening Date: -

This route is split into six sections, as follows:
  • Section 1b Miercurea Nirajului - Sarateni, 23.40km. Tender launched in April 2024
  • Section 1c Sarateni - Joseni, 32.40km
  • Section 1d Joseni - Ditrau, 14.40km
  • Section 2a Ditrau - Grinties, 37.90km
  • Section 2b Grinties - Pipirig, 34.10km
  • Section 2c Pipirig - Vanatori Neamt (Leghin) 19.30km. Tender launched in May 2024

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III.Leghin - Targu Neamt

Status: Under construction

Length: 29.91km

Opening Date: 2026

Contractor selected in July 2023: the consortium SA&PE CONSTRUCT SRL – SPEDITION UMB SRL – TEHNOSTRADE SRL, price: RON 1.56 billion, design duration: 6 months, construction duration: 24 months. Contract signed in September 2023.

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IV.Targu Neamt - Iasi - Ungheni

Status: planned

Length: 93.27

This route ends with the Ungheni Bridge (1.1km) over Prut river.

Opening Date: -

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V.Ungheni Bridge

Status: tender in progress

Length: 1.1

The Ungheni Bridge (1.1km) over Prut river.

Opening Date: -

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